Thursday 27 April 2017

Almost finished my B.E....YAY!!!

Now that I am almost a mechanical engineer, I am going to have a break of about two months after I finish my finals and join my company. This I feel is a good time to start understanding stuff that I hadn't understood while I was doing my course and study new softwares. I am planning on starting with NX, Ansys and do some physical understanding of maths(especially Diff. Eqn's(ya I kno, that bitch ryt, but it is soooo important)). While on it, I will be making tutorial videos on all of it so others can benefit from it too. So stay tuned. 


Sunday 16 April 2017

"Money Isn't Everything", "Try to enjoy the little things in life"- who really says this stuff???

Don't ever say these things.

  • Money is one of the most important things in life. Of course, it can't buy you happiness but without money, you are as good as dead in this ruthless world. If you cannot feed yourself you will either end up as someone pet animal ie., have no self-respect, will be tossed around like an object. Maybe if you are lucky you will end up like Stuart from the Big Bang Theory.
  • Little things in life?What are little things in life? in the french movie "Amelie", by little things in life she refers to sinking her hands in a drum full of rice at the grocery store etc., but if you analyse Amelie's life in greater detail you draw a conclusion that she had not accomplished anything in life, so the little things in life could just be a cover up for not tasting success. Not just her, I have observed (and will add examples when I come across) everyone who says such stuff is in a pathetic state.
Work hard stay blessed and don't say such nonsense. have some achievements of your own that you are proud of.

Thanks for reading and comment what you think